Need To Know

Our dance year at Jean Marie OC Studio begins September 12, 2023

Below are helpful reminders for studio students and families about important rules and regulations. If you have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to speak to Jeanne Mysliwiec or one of our staff during office hours. We are always interested in hearing from you.

Safety & Security Policies and Procedures

Jean Marie Dance Studio, LLC, is a “safety-first” studio. We cannot be responsible for any children left unattended in or outside the facility.

Do not drop off your child to walk into the entrance of the studios alone. 

For security reasons, please walk your child into the  entrance. You may, however, drop students off at the front door as long as you watch them enter the studio safely (See Covid changes) At the end of class, it is your responsibility to arrive on time and walk into the studio to pick up your child.

Studio Rules

Video taping and taking photo’s of a class is not permitted! Written consent is needed to video and or photograph a class.

-No running, eating, drinking, or chewing gum in class.
-No touching mirrors or glass “viewing” windows.
-No hanging on barres.
-No cartwheels or gymnastics unless supervised by the teacher .
-No one is allowed in the dance studio without adult supervision.
-Do not leave children unattended or drop off children more than 10 minutes prior to class.
-Make sure to use the bathroom before class. When one student goes they all need to go.
-Check nails and/or screws in tap shoes frequently.
-Knot and trim ballet slipper laces, leaving an inch to spare, to avoid tripping.
PARENTS – Please keep siblings under control.

Inclement Weather

We use the closing policies and practices Worcester County schools as a guide. However, we frequently hold class even when the school system closes or opens late.
In the case of threatening weather or road conditions, please always check the website @ and “like” us on Facebook for FB alerts to your mobile device on weather closings and other studio news.

Make-up Classes

If a student misses a class, or the studio is closed due to inclement weather, you are welcome to attend another class within one (1) month from the date of the missed class if there is room in the class during Covid Restrictions.  Email to check the status of the class count.  Students: please let the teacher know prior to the start of the make-up class you are attending, that you’re making up a missed class.

Tuition is not refunded for missed or canceled classes.

Student Withdrawal

If your student is out for an extended period of time, you are still responsible for tuition. We are holding a slot for your dancer during this absence.

Jean Marie Dance Studio, LLC must be notified in writing of a student’s withdrawal from class. A slot will be held for your student(s) and you are responsible for tuition until written notification is received of withdrawal.

Class Absences

If a student misses a class, is absent for any reason, or the studio is closed due to inclement weather tuition is not refunded/credited for those classes. If your student is out for an extended period of time, you are still responsible for tuition. We are holding a slot for your dancer during this absence. Should a student miss more than 5 (five) classes they may be moved to a lower level. If a performance is in the works, once dances are started, if a student misses more than 2 (two) consecutive classes, they will not be choreographed into that section of the dance unless they schedule a private lesson to catch up on missed choreography. Missing every other week is also unacceptable during choreography time.

Class Participation

Dancers are expected to arrive at the dance studio on time for class in appropriate dance attire, with a positive attitude and desire to learn. Students are expected to remain in the classroom for the entire class time, no running in and out. We ask that if a student is going to be absent from a class that you let the studio know, this is extremely important when students begin practicing their choreographed dances. Our teachers spend a lot of time in the preparation and choreography and it is extremely important to be in class for practice.

Attitude & Comportment

Students will receive technical instruction, directions, encouragement and, occasionally, critique from their instructor(s) to propel them forward, improve their performance and keep them safe. Students are expected to attend to instructions cheerfully, follow the class routine, speak and behave with respect to their teacher and other students at all times. Under no circumstances will rude, disrespectful, or aggressive behavior be accepted by students or parents.